The Gabon Special Economic Zone (GSEZ) located at Nkok, is a joint-venture development between the Republic of Gabon and Olam International, Singapore, aiming to make Gabon globally competitive for transformation of its natural resources.
Tanzania Airports Authority was established on 29th November 1999。The establishment of the Agency is part of the Government efforts in changing the public service structure which is geared towards improving service delivery. It is undergoing the biggest trans
Phase 1 of Piarco AeroPark is The North Aviation Business Park, an area to the north of Piarco’sNorth Terminal that is being developed by the Authority as a mixed-use business park,occupies 168 acres of prime real estate just metres away from the Piarco Inte
The project of Bookara Beach sites 20km north of Dongara and boasts a 2km private Beach Frontage on a coastline, and has rich unspoiled land asset. The project plans to include a range of accommodation types, activities and facilities, offering a tourism inves
Outback Pioneers of Longreach, Australia held a workshop in Beijing on 1, June. CEO of Outback Pioneers, Mr. Richard Kinnon, presented to introduce their services and products,underlining the importance of Chinese market. Outback Pioneers is about getting to the heart of its heritage and helping Chinese visitors unleash their pioneering spirit.