Bierbaum says that the presence of Chinese President Xi Jinping in Europe was a concrete sign of the attention that China is giving to the European market.
In a recent report, Dagong Europe says that China will retain its position among largest foreign direct investors in the world, and will deepen investments in Europe.
ULRICH BIERBAUM, Dagong Europe General Manager say,
"China has a long-term and strategic view, and also has a big interest in maintaining the eurozone as a counterbalance to the U.S. dollar block. In that sense, the first-in-history investment agreement between China and the European Union would be extremely positive because it would contribute to a harmonization of certain rules of play across the different European countries to have a unified approach in regulation, intellectual property. It facilitates further trade and of course the FDI investments. It's very beneficial for China."
The first round of negotiations for the agreement has started in Beijing in January with the aim to boost bilateral investment growth and strengthen comprehensive strategic partnership.
Mutual understanding was the keyword in relations between China and Europe.
"When there is a willingness to work together and see the benefits of joining forces, I think the hurdles in terms of intellectual property protection can also be overcome."
In fact, there are already many positive cases of Chinese companies investing in Europe.
"The way Chinese investors are approaching and acquiring stakes is a successful story, yet on small scale, but I am very convinced that there would be larger acquisitions coming in the future."
The general manager explained to CNC that Dagong Europe’s mission was to assist Chinese investors to better understand the European landscape by monitoring and uncovering credit risks in European companies, banks and financial institutions.
Dagong Europe was established in Milan in 2012 to provide credit rating services into the European Union.
And it's the first credit rating agency with Chinese shareholders registered by the European Securities and Markets Authority in June 2013.
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