Home > Overseas Investment News > The Netherlands Attracts Record Number of Direct Investment Projects in 2007
The Netherlands Attracts Record Number of Direct Investment Projects in 2007
Brief:In 2007, the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA) was involved in a record number of 155 investment projects of foreign companies that located various operations in the Netherlands.

In 2007, the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA) was involved in a record number of 155 investment projects of foreign companies that located various operations in the Netherlands. The projects represented the creation of 3,107 jobs and a planned capital investment of nearly $880 million.

Although the upcoming Asian markets (India, Korea and the People's Republic of China, especially) posted dramatic gains in the share of overall projects, the United States remains the country leader in both number of projects (47) and jobs (1000). The resulting capital investment of that activity equals close to $240 million. A complete three-year listing of investment activity broken out by country of origin, type of activity, and industry sector is available at www.nfia.nl.

A remarkable 35 (or 70%) of the total number of North American projects (which includes three from Canada) were new investors to the Netherlands who chose mainly to set up a sales and marketing office or a European distribution center.

"As borders have disappeared and exchange rates have become very favorable, the European market is extremely attractive and establishing an operation in Europe makes a lot of sense," says Pierre van Kleef, executive director of NFIA in North America. "Therefore, many small- and medium-sized companies are considering setting up a first presence in Europe to facilitate sales and further grow their European business."

Looking at the total number of projects worldwide, the majority concerned marketing and sales activities (47), followed by European distribution centers (32) and European headquarters (24). The projects came mainly from the information technology sector (22), machinery and equipment (15), electronic components (14) medical technology (10) and food and nutrition (8).

You can download the Year in Review 2007 report here (2 MB PDF).

The Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (www.nfia.com) facilitates direct investments of foreign companies in the Netherlands through its network of offices in North America, China, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, India and the United Kingdom. The NFIA has helped more than 5,300 foreign companies initiate or expand operations in the Netherlands, accounting for almost 550,000 jobs.

The NFIA is an operational unit of the EVD, the agency for international business and cooperation, which in turn is part of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. As a government agency, the NFIA provides information and practical assistance free of charge. All its services are provided on a confidential basis. These include providing insight and data with regard to site selection and logistics strategies; intensive, personal guidance on such matters as available incentives, permit procedures and tax structures.

The NFIA has U.S. offices in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, New York City (headquarters office) and San Mateo.


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