//select top 6 id,addtime,title1,type_dir from information i left join info_genus ig on ig.typeid=i.typeid where i.pass_flag=1 and i.typeid in(94,100,101) and i.id!=39821 and(i.key_word like '%,invest Guinea-Bissau,%' or i.key_word like '%,invest Africa,%' or i.key_word like '%,Chinese investment in Africa,%' or i.key_word like '%,Chinese investment overseas,%') order by addtime desc document.write('
  • Chinese Investors Double Down On African Startups2019-12-02
  • Chinese investors invited for Zambia trade expo2019-07-31
  • Angola plans to receive more investors from China, says ambassador2019-07-30
  • China boosts growth of Uganda's manufacturing sector2019-07-18
  • Zambian expo eyes Chinese investors2019-07-01
  • Botswana, China hold economic meeting to boost cooperation2019-05-23
  • ')