//select top 6 id,addtime,title1,type_dir from information i left join info_genus ig on ig.typeid=i.typeid where i.pass_flag=1 and i.typeid in(94,100,101) and i.id!=51351 and(i.key_word like '%,Invest Turkey,%' or i.key_word like '%,Chinese investment,%' or i.key_word like '%,Turkey-China Trade and Investment Seminar,%') order by addtime desc document.write('
  • Chinese investment boosts French BRI hub2019-11-06
  • Chinese investment has positive impact on Mozambican people's life, says finance minister2019-09-27
  • São Tom¨¦ and Pr¨ªncipe PM calls for Chinese investment in the archipelago in Shanghai2019-03-28
  • Chinese investment can uplift Italian ports2019-03-21
  • Chinese investment good for Cambodia2019-03-13
  • Chinese investments boost employment opportunities in Africa2019-01-23
  • ')