//select top 6 id,addtime,title1,type_dir from information i left join info_genus ig on ig.typeid=i.typeid where i.pass_flag=1 and i.typeid in(94,100,101) and i.id!=29330 and(i.key_word like '%,Chinese Foreign direct investment,%' or i.key_word like '%,Chinese FDI,%' or i.key_word like '%,invest in Italy,%' or i.key_word like '%,Mario Monti,%') order by addtime desc document.write('
  • China, Latin America are Close Trade Partners2016-11-22
  • Chinese overseas investment to reach $20 trillion, with focus on Europe2015-07-29
  • Time has come for Italy to attract more Chinese investment2012-06-08
  • Chinese Foreign direct investment in Italy2012-05-13
  • Italy's Monti seeks Chinese investment, says reforms working2012-03-31
  • Luxury on the cheap - Chinese and other buyers snap up Italian brands2012-03-17
  • ')